Smoked, in other words by drying or roasting over fire. In Negeri Sembilan, smoked is very famous as using chicken, duck, fish or meat. It is a method of preparing fish or meat that has been practiced since prehistoric times. The purpose is to preserve this protein-rich food that can spoil quickly for a long time. There are two mechanisms for curing by smoking, namely, dehydration and the antibacterial properties of absorbed smoke. Nowadays, the flavor of smoked food is enhanced for some dishes to make the taste and aroma of the dish more complex.
Smoked is one of the preservation processes of food sources that have been identified since prehistoric times. Humans around the world, use smoking techniques to ensure that food sources can last a long time. A very famous dish cooked using smoke is masak lemak cili padi. When you use smoked meat, the flavor of this masak lemak will be even better.

Come and check out the recipe for ‘masak lemak daging salai’ below!
Ingredients (Smoked Meat/ Daging Salai)
- 1kg of meat
- Turmeric powder
Cooking Methods (Smoked Meat/ Daging Salai)
- 1. Defroze/ thaw the meat under running water. Then cut to pieces.
- 2. Mix with turmeric powder. Marinate for a while.
- 3. Smoke using coconut coir or charcoal until dry.
- 4. Slice thinly. Set aside.

The ingredients and methods for the masak lemak are the same as the recipe in the previous article. You can see the recipe here!
Good luck!
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Article written by Nurul Humaira’ Hasan.