This cuisine is very famous in areas such as Raub, Kuala Lipis and Jerantut. It can be said that every restaurant in the area of Temerloh and Raub, Pahang will serve this dish to attract people to come to their respective shops. Ikan Patin Masak Tempoyak is very famous in the state of Pahang, especially in the Temerloh district. Ikan Patin Masak Tempoyak is delicious to enjoy with white rice, side dishes and various sambals. The taste of this tempoyak is different from others. This is because the durian paste used has been marinated first. Then, it is matched with fresh patin fish which on average is easy to find in this state.

Ikan Patin Masak Tempoyak is cooked using tempoyak, chili padi and live turmeric that has been pounded or ground, a little water, kesum leaves, tamarind paste and salt. All these ingredients are put in a pot and cooked until it boils. After boiling, add the cleaned and cut patin. Patin must be cleaned using wheat flour or tamarind water to reduce the fishy smell of the fish.
In addition to Ikan Patin Masak Tempoyak, the menu that uses tempoyak is tilapia and catfish pais. The fish is coated in a special paste made from a combination of tempoyak, chili padi, turmeric and local herbs. It will be wrapped using banana leaves before being baked to produce a delicious taste and aroma. Pais uses fresh coconut milk to produce a delicious sauce, a combination of ingredients such as onion, garlic, tamarind paste, turmeric, rice chili, turmeric leaves, kaduk leaves and lemongrass complete the taste.
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Article written by Nurul Humaira’ Hasan.