Fried Boiled Fish: A Perfect Rainy Season Dish!

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The rainy season often brings a cool atmosphere and a sense of nostalgia. It is during this time that we tend to seek dishes that warm the body and uplift the heart. One of the best choices is fried boiled fish, a traditional dish that is not only delicious but also rich in nostalgic value and authentic flavors.

This dish combines spicy, tangy, and savory tastes that stimulate the appetite, especially on cold, rainy days. The frying process adds a warm element to the dish, making it an ideal choice for bringing family together at the dining table. Let’s take a look at the recipe:


  • 4 medium-sized mackerel or trevally fish
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 pieces of shallot
  • 2 pieces of chili
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • Water, enough for boiling
  • Cooking oil, enough for frying


  • Clean the fish and rub with salt.
  • Place the it in a pot with garlic, lemongrass, and a small amount of water.
Boiled fish
  • Boil the fish for 10-15 minutes until the spices are absorbed. Remove and drain.
  • Heat oil in a pan. Fry it until the exterior turns crispy and golden brown.
Fish fried
Frying Fish: (Sinar)
  • Remove and serve.

Fried boiled fish is best enjoyed with hot steamed rice, side dishes like cucumber and pennywort leaves, and a spicy sambal belacan. For a unique twist, add a bit of tamarind water as a dipping sauce.

Servings of Fried fish
Servings of Fried fish

This traditional dish is simple to prepare yet packed with flavor and meaning. During the rainy season, it’s not just food; it’s a source of comfort that brings the family closer together. So, don’t wait any longer—try this recipe and savor the warmth in every bite!

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Article by Syuriana Ibrahim