Lompat Tikam: An Archipelago Dessert That Makes Your Taste Buds Dance!

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Lompat Tikam? Does it involve getting stabbed when you jump? Haha, you must be wondering why it has such a name. Don’t worry, there’s no actual stabbing involved. That’s just the name of the dessert! It’s quite unique, isn’t it? Does anyone know why it’s called that? Well, let’s set that aside for now—what we’re really here for is to learn how to make this delightful dessert that will have your taste buds dancing with joy. With its captivating colors, soft texture, and enticing sweet and creamy flavor, this dessert not only delights the palate but also brings back childhood memories for some of us.

Lets try the recipe:

Ingredients for Lompat Tikam:

Green Layer:

  • 1 cup rice flour
  • 2 cups pandan leaf water
  • 1 tablespoon lime water

White Layer:

  • 1 box coconut milk
  • 1 cup water
  • 3 tablespoons rice flour
  • Salt to taste

Red Glutinous Rice:

  • 1 cup glutinous rice
  • Red food coloring
  • Salt & sugar syrup to taste

Preparation for Lompat Tikam:

  • Green Layer: Mix rice flour, pandan water, and lime water. Cook until thick, then steam for 25 minutes.
Green Layer
Mixture of green layer
  • White Layer: Mix coconut milk, water, rice flour, and salt. Cook until creamy.
mixture of white layer
mixture of white layer
  • Red Glutinous Rice: Soak the glutinous rice with food coloring, steam for 25 minutes, mix with salt and sugar, then continue steaming for another 10 minutes.
Red Glutinous Rice:
Glutinous Rice:
  • Mix everything in one container according to your preference.
  • Serve chilled and add palm sugar syrup for an even tastier flavor.

All ready to serve? Let the dessert jump into your mouth and pierce your tongue with joy until it dances in delight. Enjoy and good luck trying it out!!

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